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Fragmented Love Page 3

  "Why do not you have more?"

  "Because she died two years ago"

  Juan Carlos looked at the face of Amelia. She seemed moved by the conversation, with the loss of her friend.

  "How did she die?"

  "Car crash"

  "Do you still thinking about her a lot?"

  "When I see you, I think so" - His eyes met hers. - "You look very much like her"

  He confessed hoarsely.

  Soon Amelia frowned. Strange matter! She resembled the dead boy's girlfriend. Is it why it haunts me so much?

  "Do you see her ghost on me?" - She asked without thinking.

  Juan Carlos looked up and smiled. Amelia said things without consideration. - "I did not mean to say that"

  He brought his face close to hers and looked at her with affection.

  "You look a lot in her hair"

  His hand touched her hair and her fingers slid by falling dark strand to the left shoulder of Amelia.

  He insisted, fascinated by the image of the young lady before him.

  "The eyes"

  She looked down.

  "The shape of your face"

  Amelia kept her eyes lowered, while the fingers of Juan Carlos traveled to the end of her face. She felt a strange chill.

  "And the lips"

  Finally he turned and ran his thumb in her mouth. Another shudder dominated the body of the girl and she got up in a hurry.

  "Come on! Long time we are here"

  She said, trying to find the way back. They had forgotten that they had come there by car.


  Amelia came into the house, pushing the front door with one side of her hips. Juan Carlos had left at the door and the guy kept going.

  "Did you enjoy the ride?"

  Marianne asked, standing in the hallway. He had a plastic wrapped around the head. She had used a cocktail of creams on the hair.

  "At first it was fine, but then he began to speak of his dead girlfriend ..."

  "You're jealous - Her stepmother smiled, intending to liven up the conversation between them.

  "I liked the joke"

  Amelia was blocking her teeth.

  "Do not be jealous of a dead"

  Marianne confessed and went to the couch and sat immediately. Amelia folded her arms across her chest and challenged without mockery.

  "Stop with that, please! I just did not like me to say, because he said I look like her. She looked at his girlfriend all the time"

  Marianne's shoulders shook for a good cause. - "Become pose as his girlfriend, that alone is a perfect excuse for you to grab a piece of that good man, My God, my godmother has a beautiful grandson."

  "You're ridiculous!

  However Amelia bristled again, he spread his arms and went into the other room of the house.

  Chapter 12


  During the night Amelia dreamed of her father. She always dreamed the same dream, that her father was being killed by the murderer.

  The next day she went to church, attended mass. Sitting next to people that she does not know. As soon as she back home, she saw Juan Carlos and Marianne sitting on the couch. They were talking about something unimportant. Given this scene, Amelia looked surprised to her friend and forgot to say good morning.

  "The Mass was good?"

  Marianne broached the subject first.

  "As usual"

  "Do not talk to others?" - The stepmother said, lighting a cigarette.

  Amelia immediately shrugged and smiled embarrassed, looked embarrassed. –



  She walked to the other couch and sat on it. Soon the three began a conversation.

  "I remember once, I was going to Mass, and lived in love with a guy who on several occasions was there too. Then one day, I would not take his eyes off me, and it not to me"

  Amelia did not like the theme of her stepmother and then looked at the ceiling and made faces. She could not prevent her stepmother talking.

  "With fire in his eyes! I was your age, Amelia.

  He looked aside and Marianne continued.

  "I was a pepper, a spicy pepper as everyone said!" - She laughed and Juan Carlos accompanied the laughter. But Amelia remained serious, looking at both. - "And then, I do not lost time, I made a sign to the young man came out from behind me"

  Seconds later, tired of hearing nonsense, serious Amelia protested. - "It is a sin, did you know?"

  "I know, darling, but I have already apologized to God for many years"

  "That dirty thought in the church! How can you do that?"

  "Let me tell you the rest," - He looked seriously at Amelia. Juan Carlos frowned, looking dazed in the middle of the discussion. - "Then we went to a hallway where there was nothing and nobody and everything was dark, there was only one window that radiated the romantic moonlight. Then he started kissing me wildly, he began to go with his hand through my body.... Wow! I should just thinking about it! "

  Marianne was making gestures to show it was.

  "Until the whole church heard my groaning virginity loss. Everyone came to see, and I was severely punished by my mother. At that time I had no dad, but the priest gave me a severe penance for it. I forced to marry, but I got away, I only came back a year later"

  Juan Carlos asked thoughtfully. - "Do you regret what you did?"

  "I only regret what I did not"

  Marianne said and smoked her cigarette.

  Amelia died of embarrassment to the story, and blushed.

  "What you have said it is an outrage! If you were my mother, I'm dying of shame"

  However, Marianne stared at the boy sitting on the couch and said.

  "Juan Carlos, I'll tell you something. Sex for this girl is an outrage, a terrible thing, an unforgivable sin! Be warned!" - She pointed a finger at him. - "If you want your love to last, never mentions the word sex with her. This is the end of the relationship between both."

  Amelia immediately got off the couch and left. Worried, Juan Carlos stood up and walked quickly behind her.

  "Amelia, wait!"

  "Go!" - She ordered without looking back.

  "What have I done?"

  He questioned after he stood before her. He saw with his head. Amelia kept her eyes on the floor. She seemed unable to look up.

  "I told you to leave me!

  "But listen, at least" - he pleaded.

  She wiped her tears and tried to say with her fragile voice.

  "She hates me, this is just to mock"

  "She was playing with you"

  "I prefer that she not tease me like that. Marianne always finds a way to humiliate me"

  "Come here"

  Juan Carlos approached Amelia and pulled toward him. She hugged him without fear; she figured it was just a friend and nothing more.

  Chapter 13


  "Why is my goddaughter did not come?"

  Juan Carlos's grandmother Amelia asked, while the three dined before a table provided with food.

  "She left, however, said it would soon come to visit." - Amelia looked at Juan Carlos and he smiled, admiring the young woman in a beige dress. Sometimes he imagined that Amelia looked like a doll and wanted to charge it in his arms and keep her for a while not accelerated time.

  After dinner, Juan Carlos took her to the library. The girl looked at some shelves full of books and looked very surprised with the number of books in the room.

  "Wow! How many books!"

  "Do you like to read?"

  "It depends on whatever"

  "What do you like? Fiction, police cases, fantasy, romance?" - He looked at her and smiled.

  But Amelia did not return the smile, but instead asked another question. - "What do you prefer?"

  "I often read police cases"

  He said crossing his arms over his chest. Amelia realized his dark shirt and then looked at one of the shelves.

  "And I us
ually read some passages from the Bible"

  Juan Carlos smiled. - "You are very religious"

  Soon she was encouraged to explain. - "I had spent my mind to go to a convent but I gave up when I thought of my father, never leave him alone in this life."

  The young man came closer and looked into her face. Amelia could see the twinkle in his blue eyes.

  "Did you ever consider entering a convent?"

  "I do not know, maybe one day"

  I said looking around.

  "That's because are not you in love with someone. When that happens, you put away this crazy idea in your mind"

  "You're starting to sound like Marianne"

  His finger held his chin and looked into the dark eyes of the young - "not just sex that affects you, but also the love"

  Impressed, Amelia removed the child's hand from her chin and she tried remarkable reversal.

  "I'm going back to the room and being in the company of your grandmother"

  She stepped aside and left the library spreading further.

  Minutes later, she was sitting next to Mirian. At that time the old woman was weaving a navy blue jacket. She loved to make these pieces of clothes and give them to her family.

  "I love my grandson Juan Carlos. He never stopped coming to visit. It is always present in this house"

  "Just you have a grandchild?"

  "Yes, I just had a son who is the father of Juan Carlos"

  "Do I look like the bride who died?"

  "How Lucia?" - He looked at the girl sitting on the couch.

  "Her name was Lucy?"

  "Yes Lucia was a good girl, always came to visit me"

  "Juan Carlos thinks I look like her"

  "I really see you as Lucy"

  Mirian started to examine it further and realized that Amelia deceased girlfriend reminded her grandson.

  Chapter 14


  At night, Amelia was sleeping and woke because of a noise. She got out of bed and was being routed by this noise came from inside the room of Marianne.

  Gradually the girl opened the bedroom door and found her stepmother Marianne in bed with a strange man.

  That scene tormented her. Their moans pursued her in order to let crazy. Amelia soon returned to her room, looked quite surprised.


  In the morning, he woke up and changed clothes and headed for the kitchen. Then she saw Marianne saw her standing in the kitchen.

  "Who was that guy? What was that creature?"

  She questioned when she open the fridge and take a bottle of water.

  "Worse than that"

  "Tell me what you saw"

  Amelia's voice thickened, detested her stepmother at that time. - "How were you able to bring that disgusting man to our house and sleep in my father's bed!"

  "View of judgment"

  "You're a traitor. I know you never loved my father"

  Amelia's eyes filled with tears. She wanted to have the power to expel Marianne from that house. And do not look on the face of the serpent.

  "Today I am not willing to make small talk with you"

  Marianne turned and left the kitchen, however Amelia came before her and prevented her from leaving.

  "Now you'll have to listen to me!"

  "I will not let you control my life!"

  Marianne said, squint her stepdaughter.

  "I hate you for what you are doing! You're a ridiculous with men. Bitch!"

  During the insult, Marianne gave slap to her face. Amelia's face twitched, burned and reddened. Soon the young woman left the kitchen without another word.


  Hateful in her life. Amelia sat on the trunk of a tree, staring into space.

  In the evening, with the sunset, she was still in the same place. A bird's nest was near the trunk, she heard the chirping chicks, and tried to go to another trunk, until bedtime. He stood watching the three chicks in their nests.

  "How funny!"

  She played with the little finger on the head of each of them and smiled sweetly.

  "They are happy when I'm sad. I have no mother, no father, I am alone, if I born in the world, I'd be like you, and be in that environment too, happy, singing, until the time of flying come and be completely free"

  She muttered.

  After some time, Amelia walked standing by the trunk. She lost her balance and fell. Her foot hit a huge beaked stone and started enough blood out of her deep wound. She wanted to get up, but could not; her bleeding it is also prevented.

  "Damn! Damn! Damn!"

  She grunted and began to sob with her eyes closed.

  Why my God, this happens to me? "

  Meanwhile, Juan Carlos was with Marianne on the balcony. The boy had just arrived there.

  "She has not come back yet?"

  "She knows her way" - Marianne said, did not seem concerned about the delay of the girl who was away from home for hours.

  "I'll find her. It could have happened something"

  "If you find her, bring her back home"

  Juan Carlos nodded and turned to one side.


  Night had come, and Amelia was in the same place, lying on the floor. She had her eyes closed. Her face was wet with tears.

  "God help me, I do not want to lose my foot. I know you will not let that happen, I trust in the Lord"

  With voice murmured softly.

  After that, she saw something moving in the dark until it took the form of a person.

  "Amelia. What happened?"

  He asked accelerating steps.

  "I fell from the tree"

  "Are you injured?"

  "My foot is bleeding. I cut myself with a stone. I cannot walk"

  The boy knelt down and picked it up. Bringing the girl back home.

  Amelia took a shower, changed her dress and then sat in the chair while Marianne was doing bandages on foot.

  "Still it hurts?"

  Amelia did not answer. Marianne ended up making the bandages and left the room immediately. Juan Carlos came and asked quietly.

  "You discussed right?"

  "I'd rather not talk about it"


  "No need to apologize"

  "Your foot still hurt?

  "A little"

  Juan Carlos knelt at her feet and looked at the face of Amelia.

  "I would prefer that this was happening to me" - he confessed. - "And you're free of it"

  His hand began to stroke her hair. Only a few strands that were falling below the left shoulder of Amelia.

  "I have the right to be able to wake up slowly, slowly. Without my scare"

  He admitted meeting her eyes. Amelia looked confused and pressed her forehead.

  "What are you talking about?"

  "From us, of our lives"

  Juan Carlos put his hands on her waist. Amelia had changed, her eyes widened in horror. She was trembling with fear. Gradually the young man came to kiss her. Amelia felt the warmth of his lips against hers, wanting to lean like a lullaby, then closed his eyes, hoping to do.

  Weakly, he kissed her on the lips and Amelia stood there like a statue, just let it act with the kiss. At that time he put his hands on the arms of the chair and hugged them tightly. He kept kissing charming as his hands gripped the sides of the face of his loved one.

  Then his lips brushed aside and kissed her on the cheek and then her forehead. He stood up and left without saying anything.

  Amelia opened her eyes and looked at her back as he walked away.

  Chapter 15


  Overnight, Amelia dreamed that his father was angry with her.

  The next day, she and Juan Carlos stood before the tomb of the father of the girl. She was praying with her eyes closed while he avoided looking at the grave, his blue eyes confronted to nothing. Sometime later began to blow hard, her skirt rose slightly. She dropped her hands to control the ends of her dress.

  But more
interesting was that a jug of flowers that were in the tomb fell and broke. Because of this Juan Carlos became more uncomfortable.

  The young man was not feeling well at the cemetery. He always avoided such places.

  Moments later, the couple was walking through a forest quiet and full of beautiful trees, fresh air and serene. This was a pleasant environment for both.

  "I never knew my mother personally, only by photos; my father was the one who raised me. Marianne lives with us the last three years"

  Amelia said, walking next to the guy who also walked silently by her side. His hands were hidden in the pockets of his jeans. His eyes were downcast, looking down.

  "Why is he was killed?"

  Finally, he asked.

  "To my knowledge, it was not a bad person, everyone loved my father. I always dream of his death. And I see the man who killed him. But I cannot see his face, just know that he has blue eyes"

  Amelia's eyes look to blue eyes briefly from Juan Carlos.

  Soon the boy looked away as his thumb touched her lower lip.


  At night, Amelia was lying in bed with the doll that Juan Carlos gave. She had intended to sleep remembering the fabulous kiss the boy had given her some time ago.

  The next day, Marianne was in her room, passing through the body moisturizer. At that time she massaged her right leg and Amelia approached, standing in the way of the open door.

  "Marianne, how do you felt the first time you fell in love?"

  "Why do you ask?"

  She asked, looking at her own legs.


  Marianne lifted her head and looked at the girl.

  "What's happening with you some time ago, you hated my youthful stories of sinful love?" - Said rolling her eyes.

  Amelia bit her lip before saying chewed. - "I wondered what it feels when you are falling in love for the first time; if I had someone to answer me that question, I will not ask."

  She seemed upset and looked away.