Fragmented Love Read online

Page 4

  Marianne sighed and stared straight Amelia.

  "I felt good and evil"

  Amelia's eyes got a unique glow. She seemed very interested in the subject. - "Tell me everything!"

  She went into the bedroom and her stepmother stood beside the bed. Both were sitting on the bed, facing each other.

  "Good things, when I saw him, my heart was racing, was cold, sometimes trembled and felt an overwhelming desire to keep him for me and by the time I wanted"

  "And what else?"

  She seemed impatient. She wanted to know more.

  "Now I'll tell you the bad things" - she paused. - "I felt uncontrollable jealousy, it's horrible to feel them unseen, and always fought against suffering"

  Soon Amelia asked, sounding frustrated.

  "You mean, the person who is in love feel all these things?"

  Marianne simply smiles before answering it.

  "Not every act the same way" - stared at the flushed face of her stepdaughter. - "But I'm noticing you are different. Say it. What?" -

  Amelia's voice interrupted.

  "He kissed me on the day I hurt my foot"

  She said and looked down, looking embarrassed.

  Marianne's eyes flew open at any moment. - "In the mouth?"

  "Should have been on the face?"

  "Of course not" - Amelia took her hands and looked at the face of the girl -." How did you feel when Juan Carlos kissed you? "

  "Dread and will at the same time"

  "Do you like him, Amelia?"

  "A little more than I liked before" - She shook her head. - "But I feel nothing of what you said now"

  "Are you dating?"

  "I do not know, we have found, but did not kiss me. He did not touch me anymore. It seems he gave me a kiss and then repented"

  Marianne glance research on the body of Amelia. - "You're looking out for you?"

  "Caring?" - She raised her eyebrows.

  "Yes, if you use creams on the body, care of your hair, nails, always fragrant" - She smiled enthusiastically. - "Men love women with these characteristics"

  However, Amelia looked at the fingernails of her right hand and grimaced. - "I do not for months my nails, and I don't have the habit of using creams in my body, I feel strange!"

  Marianne index finger superficially touches the tip of the nose of Amelia, as she said with humor.

  "Ha ha, but you'll get used to these things. If you do not want to miss this great feline Juan Carlos for a more careful girl"


  Hours later, Marianne was fixing Amelia, made the nails of her hands and feet. She forced the girl to pass through the body moisturizers. Amelia washed her hair and combed Marianne after making a move to one side.

  "You look wonderful!"

  "I'd rather it was before"

  Amelia said, looking in the mirror.


  Juan Carlos parked the car next to the house and Amelia was out of it in a hurry, with the intention of receiving him, did not even wait to enter the house. She came to him in a flash. Inexperienced, she put her hand over her heart as she walked toward him. The boy was standing with his back against the car body.

  He frowned and looked thoughtful. Looking into the heart of the girl before him.

  "Do you feel anything?"

  "No, I'm just seeing if my heart is racing. But so far no shot. Touch me and see if I'm cold!"

  Then she raised her arms to him and John put his hand on her forearm.

  "You are normal"

  "I'm not shaking and I'm not cold, and my heart soared. So either I do not like you or I'm not in love"

  He looked at her face and frowned.

  "What are you talking about?"

  She insisted.

  "If I felt nothing of this is because I'm not in love"

  "How do you feel when I touch you?"

  He dropped his hands and touched her waist. Amelia stared and looked at him suspiciously. Although the body was shaking and stirring in a different way.

  "My body shudders, fear and desire mingle"

  Juan Carlos smiled and put his face close to hers. Her chin touched his lover and kissed her lips. His mouth opened a little more and his tongue pierced Amelia's lips. They were kissing intently for a moment and after the kiss, Juan Carlos looked into the eyes of Amelia and said hoarsely.

  "I feel that you love me, but still you do not know"

  Chapter 16


  One evening, Marianne, Juan Carlos and Amelia were having tea at Miriam's home. The boy's grandmother was very excited by the presence of three at home. Basically, the old never wanted they go out from your home and keep the company until her last breath.

  It was normal for an elderly person sitting alone most of the time; because it did not always have family and friends around.

  "Do you ever think about marriage?"

  Mirian asked, facing her grandson, sitting next to his girlfriend. The boy blushed at the question and then rubbed his forehead. Silent, Amelia looked at the profile of Juan Carlos.

  "We went a couple of weeks, grandma"

  He said and squeezed his left hand to the young lady, but Amelia continued speechless and looked at Mrs. Mirian calmly sitting on the other couch.

  Without thinking, Marianne expressed her thoughts.

  "I find it crazy have a wedding today!"

  However, the old woman said.

  "It's beautiful a wedding ceremony in the church is a blessing for God." - She looked Amelia. - "You're a virgin, right?"

  Silence fell upon them. Juan Carlos looked at Marianne and she looked at him and then at Amelia. The question sounded so indiscreet and too stodgy for the couple.


  "Your grandson is my first boyfriend, and he respects me" - Amelia said, lifting her head and looking at the lady of the house.

  However, the old woman continued cross. She had chosen this day to talk about things that were not normal to the ears of visitors. For a moment, his grandson thought she was getting shovels. - "Juan Carlos, I know that you've chosen her because it resembles Lucia"

  That was enough to hurt the poor Amelia. Then she got up from the sofa and said.

  "Excuse me!"

  She left the room without looking sideways and Juan Carlos also got up and followed her. But before he looked at his grandmother and left the room.

  Outside the house, in front of a tree Amelia stopped, she took off her shoes and stepped into one of the branches. She tried to seek refuge there. She has always had the habit of doing whenever she was unhappy or was disappointed by something or people.

  "Have you forgotten the fall?

  Her boyfriend said to her, looking at her while his hands are placed on either side of her waist.


  She seemed angry, even to him that had nothing to do.

  Soon Juan Carlos sighed and rolled his eyes. His thumb brushed her lower lip. Then he dared to ask directly.

  "Do not take seriously what Mrs. Mirian said"

  "Your grandmother is right" - Amelia looked the boy's feet. - "Only you have chosen me because I look like your dead loved; even you told me I look a lot like her, hair, eyes, mouth.".

  He looked around and left another sigh.

  "Come down from there Amelia!"

  "I do not want to go down"

  Her lip was curled. This looked like a joke made at the wrong time with the wrong person.

  "You're too young!"

  He muttered, shaking his head.

  "You need to grow! Think like an adult!"

  This angered further Amelia. Immediately her cheeks acquired two red rings. She wanted to break a branch from the tree and throw it against her boyfriend. But she did not and simply turn around.

  "It's all said here"

  The boy kept shaking his head and looking at her. The branches of the trees gently shaking the weight of Amelia in them.

  "You are very different from Lucia"

  "I'll prete
nd to believe"

  He crossed his arms and looked up. Even lips were swollen.

  "Okay as I see you're not going to get out of that damn tree; I'll go"

  Then he turned his back and walked away in a hurry. Amelia continued in the tree, watching the boy away from her.


  At night, Amelia was at home, watching the night quietly at the window. At that time, the girl was crying. Her eyes were filled with tears.

  Sensitized, Marianne came behind her and held her tight.


  She questioned and rested her chin on the right shoulder of her stepdaughter. Amelia sobbed and said with great difficulty. Her own tears almost choked.

  "I'm starting to suffer, because I'm love him much"

  The next night, Amelia was on the porch waiting for Juan Carlos, but he did not appear. Realizing it was late and would not come; she went into her house and closed the door with great consternation.

  "He did not come"

  She muttered when she entered the room and saw her stepmother sitting on the couch, smoking a cigarette.

  The next morning, Marianne was lying with a man in her bed. Her companion stood up and began pacing around the house in his underwear. Slowly he entered the room of Amelia. He walked quickly to the bed of the girl and covered her mouth with the palm of the hand.

  Surprised, Amelia opened her eyes, she felt she could not scream, but she kicked, trying to scare the stranger in her room. The man began to run his hands on his thighs and tore some of her cotton nightgown.

  He wanted to rape her.

  Marianne came in only panties and bare breasts, and began beating him. On his back. She attacked him with punches and blows.

  "Get off of her! Bastard, miserable!

  Stubborn, the man continued on Amelia. Marianne quickly ran to the kitchen and took the sharpest knife. She then returned to the room and pointed the knife at the man.

  "If you do not get off of it now, I'll kill you!"

  Violently he gave three slaps in the face of Amelia. For that, Marianne went over him, trying to stick the knife in the back. But the stranger looked up and dodged. He clutched the arm of Marianne and took her knife.

  "Now that I am able to make hash. Bitch!"

  The man tapped Marianne's face and left the room carrying a knife with him.

  "Go away! I'm warning you, stay away from her! Miserable!

  Marianne wept on his back. He ran into the bedroom, took all the pieces of her clothes and threw them on the garden.

  Terrified, Amelia got out of bed and ran to the door of her bedroom and locked. She returned to bed and lay there in silence. It seemed in shock.

  "Open the door, Amelia!

  Marianne cried. She wanted to know how the girl was. She was worried about Amelia. But she did not leave her bed for nothing.


  That same day in the evening, Juan Carlos was sitting on the couch and Amelia walked slowly into the room and turned her back to him. She avoided looking at him. She did not want him to see her face.

  "Are you feeling hurt by me?"

  He asked innocently, without leaving the couch.

  "Why did not you come yesterday?"

  Amelia asked, staring at the wall and holding back the boy. His voice sounded weak.

  Juan Carlos looked down and took his fingers.

  "I wanted to give a change to bestiality you did in my grandmother's house. You know, sometimes your children's behavior bother me. I swear I'm trying to change some things to say or do, but is not easy"

  "You just wanted to change me"

  She responded with an angry lump in throat. Amelia was a friendly and genial person at a time.

  "I did not know you were so stubborn"

  "Now you know"

  He received another aggressive response. Full of charm, he got up and walked slowly toward her. He stopped on her back. Amelia felt his presence behind her.

  "And brave!"

  Juan Carlos said, and turned to her. Then his smile faded from her face as he looked at her face and saw a totally blue in the face. With traces of physical assault.

  "Who did this?"

  Within minutes, they walked around the neighborhood hugging. Amelia had told him everything and they had made up. Now all was well between them. No discussions and no hard feelings.

  Later he stopped, looked at Amelia's face and felt the assault was hurting too. Her hand lightly touched his beloved's cheek and he looked into her eyes.

  "That son of a bitch! I wish to see him before me now!"

  "How I wish my father were here now!"

  Amelia said and looked down. She thought the father had protected. She needed her father at that time. He always protected them from many dangers in her life. She recalled that one day he killed a snake with a stick to defend. When this happened, Amelia was still a child.

  "Now you have me" - took Amelia's face with both hands - "And I swear, I'll tweak things with"

  "Leave this issue I want to forget everything ..."

  He looked up. Her eyes wanted to shed new tears. However, she buried her head on his chest in order to seek refuge to try to forget all their problems and all their frustrations.

  Immediately, he hugged her, touching the tip of the chin on the head. Both they held each other for some time. But after that, he put his hand over his face and stroked in the region of purple, who had suffered blows.

  Chapter 17


  A few days later...

  Juan Carlos and Amelia entered a club. The boy put his hand on his girlfriend's shoulder and slowly walked to a table near a wall. Soon they sat before her. Juan Carlos put his hands on the body of the table and looked at Amelia, who was sitting opposite him.

  "What do you want?"


  "Nothing?" - He raised his eyebrows.

  "What is the problem if I do not want anything?"

  He folded his arms, looked around and then his blue eyes turned toward her. Serious looked up and said. - "You're the first girl who goes out with me and come to a place like this and simply asks nothing"

  Juan Carlos spread his arms and looked mockingly.

  "My pockets thanks you for not losing"

  There was no smile, Amelia changed the subject.

  "How many women you've dated?"

  He looked up and squinted. - "Umum were so many that I lost count!"

  Amelia looked down.

  "Then I'll be the one from here onwards"

  The boy looked at her face. Blue eyes twinkled in it. - "It depends on you"

  "So I already lost you"

  She said with a shrug.

  Insistently, Juan Carlos convinced his girlfriend to drink with him orange juice. Amelia hesitated to decline and finally agreed. At the time she was taking the juice. Juan Carlos was drinking quietly with her.

  Without waiting, Amelia's eyes widened when she saw the man who tried to rape her.

  "Juan Carlos, get out of here!"

  She cried in despair. John's head rose with unexpected roar of his girlfriend. She was so good enjoying her orange juice.

  "You do not like the place?"

  "It's not that, is ..."

  She gasped. She was nervous; man caused fear, chills, nausea. This type caused her a bad feeling.

  Intelligent, Juan Carlos looked around and saw a man behind her. Amelia was the description given after the attempted rape; he knew that guy had something to do with the episode.

  "Wait a minute, I know that guy" - muttered, rising from his chair.

  "No, Juan Carlos, let it go!"

  She cried even tenser.

  "Stay here!"

  Juan Carlos ordered and walked toward the man who had his back. He was with his forearms resting against a wooden balcony.

  "Are you having fun?"

  Juan Carlos asked him standing next to the man. He also leaned on the counter, sarcastically imitating the movements of the man with the beard.

  "I'm distracting" - he muttered looking at the face of Juan Carlos.

  "Then, things will get better now"

  Juan Carlos said, looking up and he gave a punch to the face of the subject. It fell on a table next. Some people around were frightened by the noise and Amelia closed her eyes to the conflict. The man was promptly hit by Juan Carlos and punched him in the face.

  With more hate executed blows on his body, Juan Carlos gave a jump, held it in his throat and pinned his opponent against the wall of the club with all violence.

  "If you dare to approach that girl over there in the corner of the wall, I swear I'll kill you! You bastard!"

  Juan Carlos then kneed him in the stomach and hit him three times on the wall.

  "You understand?"

  "I un-ders-tood"

  The man replied cautiously. His eyes were alarmed by the courage and aggression of the child.

  Sighing, Juan Carlos turned his back on him. The man put his hand on her waist and pulled a gun. At that time Juan Carlos looked back and saw a gun pointed in his direction. Hastily Amelia took his arm and they both left the club. Full of anger, the individual fired three shots at them. However, both were running and ended in a narrow hallway next to a deserted street. Juan Carlos put his head down to stop the bloody nose. He had lost a little blood. Amelia approached him and squatted too. Her hand touched the boy's forehead.

  "Are you bleeding a lot?"

  He tried to appear strong against the coup.

  "Do not worry about me"

  I said, wiping his nose with his fist.

  Amelia looked at his face and said cautiously.

  "You're crazy! You were just facing an armed man! You could be dead right now"

  "I was lucky"

  His voice was mockingly. Still she felt a lot of hatred of his opponent.

  But Amelia shook her head.

  "Next time, you will not be so lucky"

  His blue eyes twinkled as Juan Carlos ran sideways.

  "I feel like killing that guy!"

  When Juan Carlos said this, Amelia looked up and leaned against the opposite wall that was squatting. She seemed unmoved by this statement.

  "Do you have the courage to kill someone?"

  Juan Carlos looked, stood up and approached her. The boy stood in front of her.